=================== OVN-SFC POC Details =================== Purpose ======= The purpose of this Proof-of-concept is to showcase Service Function Chaining with OVN. Scope ===== The Scope of this document is to describe SFC using OVN and discuss installation and configuration of OVN to instantiate a forwarding path. Steps ===== 1. Install CentOS7 minimal install: ----------------------------------- - Make sure to enable network interface. - Just create a root password. Don't create any users 2. Create user: --------------- Below are the instructions to create user - stack, for use with Devstack. - $ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack - $ echo 'stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack - $ sudo su - stack 3. Install git -------------- - $ sudo yum install git -y 4. clone Devstack and Networking-ovn ------------------------------------ - $ git clone http://git.openstack.org/openstack-dev/devstack.git - $ git clone http://git.openstack.org/openstack/networking-ovn.git - $ cd devstack - $ cp ../networking-ovn/devstack/local.conf.sample local.conf 5. Edit the local.conf file: ---------------------------- - Add (uncomment and edited) - OVN_REPO=https://github.com/doonhammer/ovs - OVN_BRANCH=sfc.v30 - Uncomment the below line - OVN_BUILD_MODULES=False We use forked/modifed OVS for SFC usecase from John McDowall. 6. Devstack Preliminaries: -------------------------- - $ ./stack.sh - $ . ~/devstack/openrc admin - $ openstack keypair create demo > ~/id_rsa_demo - $ chmod 600 ~/id_rsa_demo - $ for group in $(openstack security group list -f value -c ID); do openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype IPv4 --dst-port 22 --protocol tcp $group; openstack security group rule create --ingress --ethertype IPv4 -- protocol ICMP $group; done - $ IMAGE_ID=$(openstack image list -f value -c ID) 10. Create Neutron network and subnet -------------------------------------- - $ openstack network create --project admin --provider-network-type geneve n1 - $ openstack subnet create --subnet-range --network n1 n1subnet 10. Spawn VMs ------------- - Create 5 VMs, 3 VMs to act as communication end-points (a,b, and c) and two VMs to act as VNFs (vnf1 & vnf2). - The 2 VNF VMs are created with two NICs to act as ingress and egress ports (Optional) - Created two SFCs: - SFC1: any traffic from VM a to VM b will go through vnf1 - SFC1: any traffic from VM a to VM c will go through vnf2 then vnf1 A. SFC with OVN - Scenario 1: ----------------------------- *********************** 1. create VMs and VNFs: *********************** - $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo a - $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo b - $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo vnf1 - $ openstack port set --name ap $(openstack port list --server a -f value -c ID) - $ openstack port set --name bp $(openstack port list --server b -f value -c ID) - $ AP_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address ap) - $ BP_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address bp) - $ openstack port set --name vnf1-pin $(openstack port list --server vnf1 --mac-address fa:16:3e:a0:e9:70 -f value -c ID) - $ openstack port set --name vnf1-pout $(openstack port list --server vnf1 --mac-address fa:16:3e:ae:0c:36 -f value -c ID) - $ f1_pin_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address vnf1-pin) - $ f1_pout_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address vnf1-pout) *************************************** 2. Create port-pairs, groups and chains *************************************** The switch and ports UUIDs below will different in each environment. - n1 = f1de57df-04e3-456b-85c0-64fd869507ad - vnf1-pin = 6ec5aa3d-8440-44c9-acf3-a18914ca9b0d - vnf1-pout = 3f558a9d-295e-4417-9646-d46b59be97d8 - ap = 0438495b-7de4-4bbb-b787-dff82615b541 - bp = 1f004846-3f38-450d-8f4a-e5ed0f7228e6 - cp = 9a72cc76-4d8d-494c-a959-8d672149c0ea - vnf2-pin = 6a32edc7-23d4-42ed-9cf8-c6e0009da01d - vnf2-pout = 8553b6d2-1433-4ab4-ab69-704d318b09af **1. Configure the port pair vnf1-PP1** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-add n1 vnf1-pin vnf1-pout vnf1-PP1 (didn't work with names) - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-add f1de57df-04e3-456b-85c0-64fd869507ad 6ec5aa3d-8440-44c9-acf3-a18914ca9b0d 3f558a9d-295e-4417-9646-d46b59be97d8 vnf1-PP1 **2. Configure the port chain PC1** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-add n1 PC1 - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-add f1de57df-04e3-456b-85c0-64fd869507ad PC1 **3. Configure the port pair group PG1 and add to port chain** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-group-add PC1 PG1 **4. Add port pair to port chain** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-group-add-port-pair PG1 vnf1-PP1 **5. Add port chain to port classifier PCC1** - $ lsp-chain-classifier-add SWITCH CHAIN PORT DIRECTION PATH [NAME] [MATCH] - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-classifier-add n1 PC1 bp 'entry-lport' 'bi-directional' PCC1 ''; - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-classifier-add f1de57df-04e3-456b-85c0-64fd869507ad PC1 1f004846-3f38-450d-8f4a-e5ed0f7228e6 'entry-lport' 'bi-directional' PCC1 '' ***************** 3. Validating SFC ***************** - $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == "$AP_MAC" && eth.dst == "$BP_MAC"' B. SFC with OVN - Scenario 2: ----------------------------- ************* 1. Create VMs ************* - $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo c - $ openstack server create --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --nic net-id=n1,v4-fixed-ip= --flavor m1.nano --image $IMAGE_ID --key-name demo vnf2 - $ openstack port set --name cp $(openstack port list --server c -f value -c ID) - $ CP_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address cp) - $ openstack port set --name vnf2-pin $(openstack port list --server vnf2 --mac-address fa:16:3e:ff:e5:76 -f value -c ID) - $ openstack port set --name vnf2-pout $(openstack port list --server vnf2 --mac-address fa:16:3e:4c:a3:58 -f value -c ID) - $ f2_pin_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address vnf2-pin) - $ f2_pout_MAC=$(openstack port show -f value -c mac_address vnf2-pout) **************** 2. Configure SFC **************** **1. Configure the port pair vnf2-PP1** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-add n1 vnf2-pin vnf2-pout vnf2-PP1 (Didn't work with names) - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-add f1de57df-04e3-456b-85c0-64fd869507ad 6a32edc7-23d4-42ed-9cf8-c6e0009da01d 8553b6d2-1433-4ab4-ab69-704d318b09af vnf2-PP1 **2. Configure the port chain PC2** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-add n1 PC2 - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-add f1de57df-04e3-456b-85c0-64fd869507ad PC2 **3. Configure the port pair group PG2 and add to port chain** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-group-add PC2 PG2 - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-group-add PC2 PG3 **4. Add port pair to port chain** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-group-add-port-pair PG2 vnf2-PP1 - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-pair-group-add-port-pair PG3 vnf1-PP1 **4. Add port chain to port classifier PCC2** - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-classifier-add n1 PC2 cp "entry-lport" "bi-directional" PCC2 "" - $ ovn-nbctl lsp-chain-classifier-add f1de57df-04e3-456b-85c0-64fd869507ad PC2 9a72cc76-4d8d-494c-a959-8d672149c0ea "entry-lport" "bi-directional" PCC2 ""; ******************** 3. Validate Scenario ******************** - $ ovn-trace n1 'inport == "ap" && eth.src == "$AP_MAC" && eth.dst == "$CP_MAC"' References: ----------- 1. http://docs.openvswitch.org/en/latest/tutorials/ovn-openstack/ 2. https://gist.github.com/voyageur/a26943eced3324b302f1ffede45252bd 3. https://github.com/doonhammer/ovs